Product Description
Silicon Carbide Abrasive
Perfectly suited for the cutting, smoothing and finishing of metal surfaces and for the precision mating of metal parts.
1 lb. Containers
Perfectly suited for the cutting, smoothing and finishing of metal surfaces and for the precision mating of metal parts.
1 lb. Containers
Orde # | Manufacturer | Description |
4471200 | LOCTITE CLOVER | Grade: 7A, Grit: 1200, Extremely Fine: Polishing, high precision lapping |
4470800 | LOCTITE CLOVER | Grade: 5A, Grit: 800, Extremely Fine: Polishing, high precision lapping |
4470600 | LOCTITE CLOVER | Grade: 4A, Grit: 600, Very Fine: For fine polishing and lapping |
4470500 | LOCTITE CLOVER | Grade: 3A, Grit: 500, Very Fine: For fine polishing and lapping |
4470400 | LOCTITE CLOVER | Grade: 2A, Grit: 400, Very Fine: For fine polishing and lapping |
4470320 | LOCTITE CLOVER | Grade: 1A, Grit: 320, Fine: For finishing, vavle lapping, dies and gauges |
4470280 | LOCTITE CLOVER | Grade: A, Grit: 280, Fine: For finishing, vavle lapping, dies and gauges |
4470240 | LOCTITE CLOVER | Grade: B, Grit: 240, Medium Fine: For cylinder lapping |
4470220 | LOCTITE CLOVER | Grade: C, Grit: 220, Medium Fine: For cylinder lapping |
4470180 | LOCTITE CLOVER | Grade: D, Grit: 180, Medium: General purpose for controlled metal removal |
4470150 | LOCTITE CLOVER | Grade: NC, Grit: 150, Medium: General purpose for controlled metal removal |
4470120 | LOCTITE CLOVER | Grade: E, Grit: 120, Coarse: For the initial "cut" fast removal |
4470100 | LOCTITE CLOVER | Grade: F, Grit: 100, Coarse: For the initial "cut" fast removal |
4470080 | LOCTITE CLOVER | Grade: G, Grit: 80, Coarse: For the initial "cut" fast removal |
4470050 | LOCTITE CLOVER | Grade: J, Grit: 54, Very Coarse |
NOTE: Our manufacturers are continuously trying to improve their products and it is possible that some tools may undergo dimensional changes without prior notice. All technical data is based on information supplied by our manufacturers and is provided by us for your guidance.